Why you shouldn’t buy BRACELETS from just ANYONE

Listen, you don’t have to buy your Energized Bracelets from me, but just make sure whoever you choose to buy them from is someone who you know to be a good person and has positive energy. I have heard time and time again how my bracelets have change so many lives, and I can only assume that it’s not only from the gemstones but the love and energy that I “set” into each bracelet. I pray over each bracelet I make and infuse them with loving intentions for the recipient. You must understand that you are dealing with actual gemstones that is from the earth and they absorb and hold energy from whatever it’s around; you don’t want to walk around wearing jewelry made by someone who is carrying around a lot of negative energy. I only want the best for you and that’s why I charge positive, loving, and healing energy and joy into each item that I make. Peace and Love – Aprille