Greetings and Salutations everyone and welcome to Essence of Life Health & Wellness. 

I am Aprille Harris and along with my husband Andre Harris Sr., we are a husband and wife team where we focus on helping others find the powerful health benefits in herbs.  Thus, we are “Unleashing the Power of Mother Nature” and all that she has to offer through herbs.

The Earth, nature, the sun, moon and stars are a way of life and is the most powerful way to completely heal the mind and the body. Getting in tune with self is a must. We aim to educate our new friends on the power of herbs and crystals. From our energized bracelets to our herbal supplements we hope to help people take personal responsibility for their own health on all levels of existence. 

Our commitment and goal is to help YOU become the best version of YOU!

Peace and Love!!

Aprille & Andre

Our Products

Unlock the power of herbs and crystals by purchasing our herbal supplements and energized bracelets.